Shift work – what do you need to know?
Shift work is a popular employment model that allows companies to operate around the clock. For employees, this means a variety of shift work hours. Shift work — for whom? What does the introduction of shift work in a company involve?
Shift work – what is it?
Shift work is a model of organizing working time in which employees perform their duties at specific times of the day and night, as well as on specific days of the working week. According to the definition in art. 128 § 2 point 1 of the Labor Code, shift work means performing duties according to a schedule that assumes a change in working hours for individual employees. In accordance with the provisions of labor law, this model is permissible regardless of the working time system.
Shift work is a way of organizing work that is not a separate working time system. It consists in the fact that duties are performed without long breaks in order to maintain continuity of activities. Such a model is most often used in factories and industrial plants, where one group of employees replaces another so that production can take place without interruptions.
Types of Shift Work
Shift work is a way of organizing work that allows companies to operate continuously around the clock or for most of the day. The use of shift work is popular in industries such as manufacturing, trade and logistics, where it is important for work to take place without breaks. Thanks to a well-planned work schedule, employees change positions, which ensures the smooth and efficient operation of the company. Such a system allows for better adjustment of working hours to the needs of customers and the specifics of the business.
What are the types of shift work?
- continuous work (continuous system) – 24-hour work every day of the week,
- semi-continuous system – three-shift work with a weekend break,
- non-continuous system – two-shift work with a break at night and at the end of the week
According to the Labor Code, shift work is possible in various working time systems:
- basic system (8 hours a day, 40 hours a week),
- balanced (where the working day may be longer, but the average working time will not exceed 40 hours a week),
- continuous system (where the working time on some days may be up to 12 hours, and on average during the week – 43 hours).
Shift work in a company – where does it occur most often?
Shift work is popular in various industries where continuous provision of services or production is necessary. Shift work operates on the basis of a work schedule that allows for smooth transition of employees between shifts to ensure continuity of operation.
Shift work in transport is essential because drivers, machine operators or airport employees must be available at all times of the day and night to ensure the efficient movement of people and goods. In turn, shift work in uniformed services such as the police, fire brigade or army guarantees safety and quick response to various situations, regardless of the time.
Shift work is equally important in the health service, where doctors, nurses and other medical workers take care of the health of patients 24 hours a day. In the manufacturing industry, the use of shift work allows for mass production of goods without interruptions, which increases efficiency and minimizes costs.
Shift work in trade cannot be forgotten either, especially in large stores, which are often open from early morning until late at night. This allows customers to make purchases at a time convenient for them.
Change of working hours – can the employer introduce it?
In any workplace, the employer can introduce a shift system if necessary. However, they must pay attention to Article 150 of the Labor Code, which states that:
Working time systems and schedules and settlement periods are established in one of the following options:
- collective labor agreement,
- work regulations,
- notice, if the employer is not covered by a collective labor agreement or is not obliged to establish work regulations.
Introducing shift work requires adding appropriate provisions in the company’s internal documents. The employer has the freedom to determine what the shifts will look like, e.g. weekly (morning, afternoon, night) or monthly (day work, night work), but it is important that this information is clearly defined in the company regulations.
Shift work schedule and weekly rest
An important thing in shift work is weekly rest, which is the employer’s obligation to provide. Rest should be at least 35 hours uninterrupted. The employer is obliged to plan the shift work schedule in such a way as to be able to provide this free time.
However, there are exceptions that allow this rest to be shortened to a minimum of 24 hours. They concern situations such as:
- The need to carry out a rescue operation in order to protect life, health, property, the environment or to repair a failure.
- A change in the employee’s working time related to his/her transfer to another shift in accordance with the established working time schedule.
- Employees managing the workplace.
In such cases, weekly rest should not be shorter than 24 hours
Shift work – for whom?
Shift work can be for people who value flexible working hours and are able to adapt to changing working hours. The shift work model will be for people who are highly resistant to stress and can also find their way at work at different times of the day.
Shift work for students is also an attractive option, because they can combine studying with work. A flexible schedule allows you to adjust your working hours to your academic schedule, which is particularly beneficial for people studying full-time.
Many companies offer positions dedicated to students, such as:
- Security worker: ensuring the safety of commercial or office facilities.
- Warehouse worker: completing orders, packing goods.
- Waiter/waitress: serving customers in restaurants or hotels.
- Sales worker: customer service.
- Production worker: participating in the process of manufacturing products at various stages.
Who cannot work shifts?
Shift work involves certain restrictions for certain groups of employees. According to labor law, people who cannot work shifts are:
- Pregnant women: They cannot work at night. However, they can work two shifts, as long as they do not include night time.
- Employees caring for a child under 4 years of age: They cannot be required to work at night, unless they agree to it.
- Young employees (15–18 years of age): They cannot work at night.
- Employees with disabilities: They can work at night only after obtaining a positive opinion from an occupational health physician and after submitting an appropriate application.
Advantages of Shift Work
Shift work can have many advantages. What are the advantages of shift work?
- a flexible work schedule that you can fit into your life.
- the ability to work at convenient times, such as night shifts.
- more free time during the day or week.
- the chance to receive extra pay for working unusual hours.
- working different hours can improve your work-life balance.
Disadvantages of Shift Work
Shift work, including working on holidays, Sundays and at night, has its advantages and disadvantages. What are the disadvantages of shift work?
- irregular working hours can lead to sleep problems,
- increased levels of fatigue and stress,
- difficulty maintaining a social and family life,
- poor body regeneration,
- health problems related to long-term night work,
- increased risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases,
- difficulty adjusting to irregular working hours.
The definition of shift work is found in the Labor Code, and involves performing work according to a predetermined work schedule. The characteristics of shift work are associated with flexibility, but also with the need to adapt to different times of day, which can affect the health and private lives of employees. This solution is particularly popular in industries that require continuous production or provision of services, such as trade or transport.
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