Polish tourist voucher 2023 – until when can it be used?
The Polish tourist voucher was introduced at the end of July 2020 during the COVID -19 pandemic, and was intended to assist families and the tourism industry during the crisis caused by the pandemic. Although the epidemic threat was lifted in Poland in May 2022, the tourism voucher is still valid. Until when can it be used?

- Travel voucher – what is it and for whom?
- Tourist voucher – how to activate it?
- Tourist voucher – what can you pay for?
- Tourist voucher – additional information
- Travel voucher – until when?
Travel voucher – what is it and for whom?
A travel voucher is a type of one-time benefit that can be used by any family that has at least one child. Each child is entitled to a voucher of PLN 500. If they are children with a disability, a higher amount of PLN 1,000 is available. A child is counted until the age of 18, as long as a parent has custody of the child. Importantly, the travel voucher is eligible, regardless of the level of salary earned. If the custody of the child is alternate (such as divorce), the amount of the voucher is divided in half. This is PLN 250 for each caregiver.
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Travel voucher – how to activate it?
A travel voucher is a type of electronic document that needs to be generated in PUE ZUS. PUE ZUS is the Social Security Administration’s online system for dealing with social security matters. It allows you to check your insurance, benefits and payments.
To activate a Polish travel voucher, you must first activate the PUE ZUS platform. The person who wants to obtain the benefit in question does not have to submit any application. Only a person who wants to obtain an additional voucher for a child with a disability must submit an application.
The travel voucher is received in the form of a 16-digit code, which you receive in a private message sent via a phone number or email. The number must be shown when booking a stay or at the accommodation.
For those who use the benefit and parental allowance, the Polish tourist voucher is assigned automatically.
The way to obtain a travel voucher is simple, just log on to the PUE ZUS platform to get your voucher.

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Tourist voucher – what can you pay for?
The Polish tourist voucher can only be redeemed within our country. Not every hotel participates in this program. Before going on vacation, make sure that the place supports this type of benefit. Places where you can go with your children using the voucher are more than 4,900, and a full list can be found on the official website of the Polish Tourist Voucher.
With a tourist voucher you can pay mainly for hotel services. With the voucher you can realize a stay in a hotel, guesthouse, agritourism or camping. You can also use it to pay for a green school, summer camp, camp, or children’s trip.
The benefit also entitles you to pay for tourist attractions, such as amusement parks. It is not necessary to use accommodation.

Tourist voucher – additional information
A benefit such as a travel voucher:
- cannot be used in stores, payment only occurs when using hotel services,
- leisure can be used later, but payment must be made by March 31, 2023,
- cannot be redeemed or sold,
- can be paid with it multiple times, it does not have to be used in one place or time,
- cannot be used without internet access, payment for the stay is made online
Tourist voucher – until when?
The Polish tourist voucher has been extended several times. Initially it was to be valid until the end of March 2022, then it was extended until September 30, 2022. Finally, it is valid until March 31, 2023. This is the last moment to use it, just in time for the ongoing winter holidays. Despite the fact that it has been extended twice, the Deputy Minister of Sports and Tourism has announced that this will be the final deadline. Thus, the last chance to use it. The minister also announced that the government is working on new solutions to improve the financial situation of Poles in the future and encourage domestic tourism.
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