The role of employment agencies in the labour market
The role of employment agencies has now become very important for the labour market. It facilitates the recruitment process, influences employment trends and economic development. What is the role of a recruitment agency? How does an employment agency work? How to check an employment agency?

The role of the employment agency
An employment agency is a company that acts as an intermediary between jobseekers and employers looking for temporary or permanent workers. It deals with aspects related to recruitment and employment. It recruits temporary and permanent workers, depending on the employers’ preferences. The activities of employment agencies are registered as labour intermediation activities and their aim is to ensure an efficient and effective matching of candidates with the needs of the labour market.
Employment agencies operate on the basis of relevant legislation and are often subject to the supervision of labour market regulators. Through their specialisation and experience, employment agencies are important in the recruitment and hiring process, helping both employers and candidates to achieve their career goals.
Many employment agencies specialise in specific industries, which can be either physical or white-collar jobs. Typically, they recruit for warehouse work, production work, construction, or for industries such as IT, HR, finance, logistics, etc.
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Employment agency offer
The offer of an employment agency includes a variety of employment and recruitment services. Depending on the type of recruitment agency, the offer may vary somewhat. Employment agencies may have different names, which gives an idea of the services they provide. On the labour market, you may come across different names for employment agencies: employment agency, recruitment agency, recruitment agency, personnel agency, personnel consultancy agency. Most of them deal with the same or similar things. What are the most common services of employment agencies?
- Recruitment of candidates for a variety of jobs, including issuing job advertisements, screening CVs, conducting interviews, etc.
- Employment of employees: preparing documentation, signing contracts, terminating contracts, checking compliance with labour legislation, completing a range of employment formalities.
- Employment of temporary workers by an employment agency, i.e. those willing to work for a specific period of time. Temporary work is mainly concerned with situations where employers need employees for a specific period of time, for example to replace employees during holidays, in periods of high labour demand or for a specific project. Through temporary work, employees can gain new work experience and increase their finances.
- Employment legalisation: assistance with the employment of foreigners from various parts of the world, assistance with arranging residence cards, checking compliance with the Labour Code, filing documents with the relevant authorities
- Health and safety training, courses, assistance with qualifications, assistance with qualifications, e.g. for forklifts
- Provision of accommodation, transport to work, medical care.
- Employee leasing, i.e. the hiring of employees by employers, mainly for temporary work.
- Consultancy services, related to career guidance
What does cooperation with an employment agency look like?
Employment agencies act as an intermediary between the entity making the demand (the employer) and the people who are looking for work. The tasks of the employment agency and its functions vary depending on the direction of the company. Working with an employment agency is a win-win solution for both parties involved in the process.
If you are a job seeker, an employment agency can be a key solution for you in finding suitable employment quickly. With a wide network of contacts and access to a variety of job vacancies, an agency can help you find a job that matches your skills, experience and career preferences. Working with an employment agency can also increase your chances of securing employment by supporting you with CV preparation, providing interview advice and information on available jobs on the market.
It is also worth noting that employment agencies often have access to many job offers in different parts of Poland and the world, making it easier for you to find work.

How to choose the right temporary employment agency?
When looking for a professional employment agency, it is worth betting on its legality, experience and reputation. Verified employment agencies are registered and have the relevant licences and certificates, which confirm their legality and compliance with labour law. Every legal employment agency is listed in the National Register of Employment Agencies – KRAZ, which is publicly available. Anyone can go to the main website and check the respective employment agency there. This ensures that the agency complies with the regulations.
It is also worth paying attention to the experience of the institution, the more experience the better, although this is not a rule. However, experience influences coping with problems, allows one to get to know the labour market better, means that the company is financially stable and is able to survive in a competitive labour market. It also gives you the opportunity to gain more knowledge and expand your network and thus have more job offers.
Are you looking for a job? Apply with us!
We are an employment agency that has been operating thriving since 2011, i.e. for more than 10 years! We focus on an individual approach for each candidate and client. We deal with recruitment, employment, legalisation of foreigners, recruitment and advisory services, accommodation, temporary work, etc. We are keen to recruit employees from abroad who add new perspectives and solutions to the company.
Would you like to work with us? Are you interested in working in Poland? Contact us! We have many job offers in Poland mainly as a warehouse worker and production worker. We employ people from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. We look forward to hearing from you!
Using a recruitment agency is for people who value their time and want to find a good job quickly. Employment agencies support employers in finding employees for them and find jobs for people who need them. When looking for employment, it is worth paying attention to the integrity of the employment agency, the agency’s advertisements (whether they are too nice-sounding), flexible solutions, customer service, experience, reputation and legality.